How it update safari 10.1.2
How it update safari 10.1.2

how it update safari 10.1.2

I found this code in the SafariCommandExecutor.class file In the playerData.yml it shows as follows.

how it update safari 10.1.2

Next, I noticed a possible reason why mobs_to_kill count may be bugging: Line 46 - private String SAFARI_PLAYER_KILL_PROGRESS = "You have killed ?1/?2 mobs so far." Line 46 - private String SAFARI_PLAYER_KILL_PROGRESS = "You have killed ?1/?2 mobs sofar." Line 45 - private String SAFARI_PLAYER_CURRENT_SAFARI = "You are currently registered for the safari \"?1\"." Line 45 - private String SAFARI_PLAYER_CURRENT_SAFARI = "You are currently registerd for the safari \"?1\"." I just noticed a couple grammatical errors.īoth of these are in the SafariCommandExecutor.class file: The complete source-code is available on github: added message when trying to enlist for non-existing safari.translated the last german expressions to english.added some defaults for safari-drops upon completion.removed unnecessary build-command from build.xml.added feedback about safari-progress fixes:.Existing config.yml gets not overwritten anymore fixes:.

how it update safari 10.1.2

  • updated to craftbukkit-1.2.5-R5.0 (no real changes, just re-compile and test).
  • added configuration-support for "addRecordDrops" which will be used for rewarding a player if/when he/she creates a new record for a safari.
  • initial "competition" feature implementation.
  • fixed bug regarding mob-kills not counted.
  • verified Plugin to be compatible with Bukkit 1.3.1 R1.0 (compiled it, started the server and did some safaris).
  • some formatting of messages (now with colors ) ).
  • might be usefull if you would setup signs which can then send console-commands)
  • Finished record-time stuff (new command "showrecords", which is also callable via Console like: safari showrecords toSomePlayer which will send the records to this player.
  • configuring the supplied safari-configuration (adding/removing some or adjusting the drops/points limits).
  • enabling/disabling safaris on given worlds (depends on your server-setup).
  • put it into your $MINECRAFTSERVER/plugins directory.
  • description: (e.g.Kill Mobs which are harmless (Cows, Chicken, Pig, Sheep)).
  • Server-Admins may configure the available safaris like this (all safaris are direct keys inside the "safaris" section: This is done in order to setup signs (or maybe areas) which send the current records to a given player (who is currently online) May be used from the servers console in order to enable signs which might trigger console-commands.
  • /safari remove_world - to deactivate Safaris for this world.
  • /safari add_world - to activate Safaris for this world.
  • There are 2 admin-commands to de-/activate the Safaris for given worlds:

    how it update safari 10.1.2

    (only accessible for players with special permission or from the Minecraft server-console) /safari showrecords - display current safari-record times (hours:minutes) and who accomplished this record./safari stop - Cancel your current safari./safari start - Start the specified safari./safari info - See your current safari and your safari points/statistics./safari list - List all available safaris.The following commands are accessible for all players: The Safari is persisted and does not require the player to complete it within one online-session.Each player may enlist for one Safari at a time.the kind of drops the player is rewarded upon completing his current safari.required safari-points to start the safari (number of previously completed safaris).specific day/night time hours during which mob-kills are valid.specific mob-types which count for the safari progress.

    How it update safari 10.1.2